Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Bill and I started walking in the mornings.  Nice brisk weather - bright sunshine and cool (ok, cold) air!  I started noticing mailboxes.  A whole 'nother thing to think about.  I always think to myself, "yep, you can't miss our house, look for the purple polka dot mailbox" or something like that, depending on what the mailbox looks like.  Or, sometimes it's the color of a house that makes me think, "you can't miss us, look for the pink house - we are across the street!"  Then I smile and think happy thoughts because our neighbors have their homes very subtle earth tones. YAY!! ...  Oh, back to mailboxes:

It's a Loooong Walk to the mailbox!

No frills, well, just the number...


You will NOT fall down!

1 comment:

  1. How about getting Bill to build a Mailbox Post out of a pair Crutches? Make them hefty and something that could NOT be used as a real pair crutch... Or a Catapult LoL...
